Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It is the best of times and the worst of times

Today I'm celebrating a Merry Twisted Christmas!

Time is quickly running out to complete the Christmas to-do list. I must work in overdrive for the next few days in order to get everything done. To some, getting ready for the holidays and festivities seems like a pain. Often all the work, shopping, wrapping, packaging, shipping, decorating, baking, cleaning, and other chores are just too much. Bob Rivers released 12 Pains of Christmas, a popular parody on the 12 Days of Christmas in 1987. One of many music videos made to this song and posted on YouTube is provided below for you:

As posted on YouTube by robmiller99

The holidays are a time of stress for many. However, there are lots of resources available on the Web to help. Here are three examples:
The Mayo Clinic's 12 tips for coping with stress, depression and the holidays
WebMD's tips for Beating Holiday Stress's Holiday Stress Survival Kit

If all of the holiday activities are a pain to you and you just can't get to the peace and joy, then why not make some changes? Celebrate Christmas with a twist. My favorite tips are:

  • Prioritize
    At times, it's just necessary to say "No" since often you can't do everything or you'll be overwhelmed. Prioritize what is important and meaningful to you and your family. Who says everything on the list MUST be done?
  • Take some shortcuts when possible
    For example, Santa won't mind if his cookies were not made from scratch at all. There are lots of choices in the frigerator aisle at the grocery and basically all you need to do is break and bake them. Maybe a nice New Year's Day card is an alternative this year.
  • Relax and breathe
    Take a breather and make a little time for yourself. Those few free minutes may make a huge difference.
  • Forget about perfection
    Accept it in yourself and in others around you.
  • Remember the reason for the season

For those who are filled with the joy and peace of the season, don't let the Grinches get you down. Give them a break too since you don't know what pain they may be experiencing. Here's a neat music video by Faith Hill singing Where Are You Christmas:

As posted on YouTube by lamp239

I hope that the holidays are the best of times, but not the worst of times in your family. I hope that your Christmas is merry and your joy is not twisted up due to stress. Why not put a different twist on things and give yourself and those around you a break? Today I wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope that none of it is a pain to you at all!

Image credit: CaptainOT as posted on

1 comment:

CaptainOT said...

Thanks for the image credit Tonya!


P.S. Be sure to check out my yuleblog!