Saturday, December 15, 2007

I can't believe it's Christmas

Today I'm celebrating the Christmas countdown!

I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Where did the time go? It just seems like yesterday that I packed those decorations away for the season. There's still so much left to do. Decorating. Cards. Shopping. Gift wrapping. Shipping. Baking. Cooking. Cleaning. All before visits from friends and family.

In order to make the deadline, I need to get organized. After all, I'm a certified Project Management Professional. This should be easy compared to the multi-year global projects that I manage. How tough can this be? I just need to focus and apply my organization and planning skills to this event. Time's a-wastin'!

Here I go:
Making my list
Checking it twice
Gotta find out
Where the sales are nice
Will buy my cards and stamps
Then to the post office I'll go
Then I'll wrap the presents
Hang the holly and mistletoe

Just as a reminder on how little time there is left, here's a neat little Christmas countdown timer for you:

Get Myspace Christmas Countdown

Here's a neat song and music video by James Proven, I can't believe it's Christmas

As posted on YouTube by GiR2007

In continuing my e-tour of holiday lights, here's an animated light feature to a hillbilly song, Christmas times a comin'

As posted on YouTube by m6green

Today, I hope that you more prepared for Christmas than I am!

Image credit: Alan and Linda Parry's book

1 comment:

Smirking Cat said...

All the holidays have sneaked up on me this year! I have my shopping done but pretty much nothing wrapped, but I can blame that on the cats (because they will only unwrap them as quickly as they can!) Enjoy your holidays!