Sunday, December 23, 2007

If I could have one wish come true

Today I wish everyday could be like Christmas!

I love Christmas. It's such a wonderful time of year. I love the music, the lights, the decorations, decorating the tree with my nephews, spending time with family and friends, spending time away from work, baking, watching the kids open their presents with glee, another round of roasted turkey with dressing, chocolate cream pie, and coconut cream pie. I especially love the fact that Christmas calories don't count!

Sure, there are a few Scrooges out there. There are those who rush to beat you to the prime parking spot or to grab that last sale item. There are those who will cut in line to get ahead of the shoppers who have been patiently waiting. Those folks will try to steal the joy of Christmas from you. However, mostly this year, I've noticed people are more friendly and giving. I've seen more people walking around with great Christmas sweatshirts and sweaters and some with those funny reindeer antlers than I've seen Scrooges this year.

It's nice to hear the friendly greetings during the holidays. Many times you'll actually here someone wish you a Merry Christmas -- despite the many who think it's more politically correct to wish everyone a happy holiday. In our family, we celebrate Christmas. I have a Christmas tree with Christmas ornaments. Underneath it, there will be lots of Christmas presents and I hope Santa will add more! LOL There's a Christmas wreath on my door and mailbox too. I generally send Christmas cards (but ran out of time this year). I play and sing Christmas carols. Santa comes to visit me on Christmas Eve. In my house, I know the reason for the season. I celebrate Christmas! I also know that there would be no Christmas without Christ.

Today I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! I hope that your holidays are full of peace, joy and happiness. I hope that you celebrate the reason for the season too. I hope that this Christmas will be so nice for you that you too will wish that everyday could be like Christmas.

Here's the music video by Bon Jovi to the song I Wish Everyday Could be Like Christmas:

As posted on YouTube by isabelle58

Image credit: Blue Mountain e-cards

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