Monday, January 7, 2008

No ordinary Monday

Today I'm celebrating Thank God It's Monday Day!

Although it's against my nature, I'm working on the celebration of Monday. I know a few workaholics who are so absorbed in their work that they can't wait to get back on Monday morning. Those typically are at least dabbling in the work over the weekend too, but on Monday they're full-steam-ahead for another exhilerating week! Now that I have a few years of experience under my belt, I'm enjoying those weekends and dismissing the thoughts of the four-letter word work from my weekend vocabulary. However, some have claimed that my hobbies seem like work to them. My sister has a rule in her house -- no mention of work at all over the weekend. Not even a mention of its dread on that relaxing Sunday afternoon or evening. You can't say, I'd don't know what I'm going to wear to WORK tomorrow. Or, I'll pick up the dry cleaning on my way to WORK tomorrow. Or, I need to think about what I'm going to fix in my lunch for WORK tomorrow. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Don't even think about talking about IT on the weekend.

I don't think I'm the only only who's not been a fan of Mondays. According to a 2005 article by BBC News and CNN, blood pressure readings are higher than at any other time of the week. Although there's a natural peak in blood pressure readings in the morning, the peak is highest on Monday mornings for many. It may explain why deaths from heart attacks and strokes seem to peak on a Monday morning. I've heard that there are 20% more heart attacks on Mondays than on any other day. It also describes the results of a research study where a surge in readings in those getting ready to go back to work on a Monday morning was shown, suggesting increases due to work-related stress as the most likely blame. However, some suggest that it could also be caused by the stress of commuting. Sounds like a more controlled study is needed on this item. It appears that many of us have some issues about returning to work on Monday morning.

I've noticed there are a lot of books, motivational publications, and learning materials about this topic. Apparently there are many who feel that they have the answer for those of us who'd really prefer a 4-day work week and skip the Monday dilemma totally!

There are a lot of songs about Monday, but most of them are not really appropriate for a day of celebration. The Mamas & Papas sing Monday, Monday. A favorite is sung by the Carpenters about how rainy days and Mondays get them down. The Bangles sing about their Manic Monday. I did find a country song Thank God It's Monday!, but the guy is celebrating 'cause he could focus on something other than missing his gal, which he had done all weekend. However, I've posted below a YouTube favorite, a video with an introduction by Jimmy Buffett himself and then his music video to Come Monday.

As posted on YouTube by starsonthewater1

Oh, I just thought of one special reason many celebrate Mondays: Monday Night Football! I'm sure many of us will be watching closely tonight during the playoffs. Hmm....LSU or Ohio State? I've been watching those Buckeyes all season and have grown to be a fan. However, I'm fairly partial to the Southern teams though. A plus...I can celebrate either way tonight!

Today, I hope that you also find something to celebrate this Monday or at least can grin-and-bear it. This day is passing quickly...

Reference: BBC News and
Image credit: New Training Ideas

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