Friday, March 14, 2008

Gone fishin'

Don't worry, don't fret
I'm celebrating each day, you bet!

But I'll be out for a little while
On my spring vacation, starting each day with a smile!

As I bait my hook to catch that fish
I hope you'll be back with me when I return...yes, I wish!

Something to think about while I'm away
Here's a holiday list for each day

Sat., Mar. 15 - Buzzard's Day - Have you been to Buzzard's Roost, Mississippi?
Sun., Mar. 16 - Palm Sunday
Mon., Mar. 17 - St Patrick's Day - Don't forget to wear the 'green'
Tues., Mar. 18 - Supreme Sacrifice Day - An important reminder for Easter Week
Wed., Mar. 19 - Let's Laugh Day, remembering the last episode in 1977 of the Mary Tyler Moore Show
Thurs., Mar. 20 - First day of Spring
Fri., Mar. 21 - Good Friday - Remember the cross
Sat., Mar. 22 - Goof Off Day (Thank goodness it's on a Saturday)

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