Thursday, November 22, 2007

With a thankful heart

Today I'm celebrating Thanksgiving Day!

One recipe for a happy Thanksgiving Day: Start with some traditional Peanuts, add one parade, and gather (or stir) all the family and close friends together. Share your blessings with one another and give thanks. Add some turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls. Top with some giblet gravy. Add some cranberry sauce. After about one hour, then finally cut the pies and serve. Sit and relax for an hour, then start your favorite football game!

There are several tradition songs of Thanksgiving that you can hear from YouTube, including the traditional hymn We Gather Together and a favorite Over the river and through the woods. Or, you may prefer the less traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Song by Adam Sandler from Saturday Night Live. However, a favorite of mine is Give Thanks and is featured here today:

Here's my version of the traditional song Over the river and through the woods:
Over the river and thru the wood,
To grandmother's house we go;
The Murano knows the way
On the long drive this day
To the warm, southern border we go!

Over the river and through the wood,
Passing cell towers on the way,
Oh, hear the cell ringtones ring
Ting a ling ling
Keeping touch with friends, even
on Thanksgiving Day!

Today is a day to give thanks...and today I'm thankful for so many things. I'm thankful for

  • some of the basic things that you don't appreciate until you have to
    do without (like running water, electricity, and air conditioning
    during those long days following a hurricane)
  • some of the purer things we enjoy, like music, smiles, and laughter
  • some of the finer things, like chocolate and shrimp
  • some of the priceless things, like friendship, love, and family
  • some of the glorious things, like forgiveness and salvation
  • and technology (a great high-speed connection, which I don't have over this holiday)

Thanksgiving is just the start of the holiday season. I encourage you to pause and give thanks on this day, between the

the lunch, and
the football game!

Post a comment and tell us what you're most thankful for on this day!

Image credits:
Thanksgiving meal by
Kevin Sanchez / Getty Images file as shown on MSNBC
Macy's parade:
Cowboys' Tony Romo by:
Streeter Lecka/Getty Images

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