Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Howdy, hi, and hello

Today I'm celebrating World Hello Day!

Today is the 35th annual celebration of World Hello Day. Anyone can participate by simply saying hello when greeting ten people on this day. The observance began in 1973 in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel with the hope that world leaders would use communication rather than force to settle conflicts. World Hello Day is observed in 180 countries.

It's interesting observing people and their greetings. 'Round these parts, you may here someone say "Howdy m'am" or maybe a "Howdy y'all" when with a group. Down under, you're likely to hear a cheery G'day! If you travel much in the South, you'll notice that the native Southerners greet everyone they meet with a quick hi or hello. This may seem odd to many of the Yanks whose eyes sometimes won't meet when passing along a sidewalk or down a hallway. When driving through the rural South, it's customary to give a quick little wave of the hand to the other cars along the highway that you meet as a friendly greeting.

Here's a video of the Beatles singing Hello Goodbye

As posted on Youtube by lexaownsyou

BTW, it's also Pumpkin Pie Day. So, why not say hello to your neighbors and ask them to drop by for a slice of pumpkin pie as you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

Today, I encourage you to participate in World Hello Day. Try to greet at least 10 people today with "Hello!" and share a smile.

Image credit: s. britt

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