Monday, November 19, 2007

Having a bad day?

Today I'm celebrating "Have a Bad Day Day!"

Today has been set aside as Have a Bad Day Day for those who shiver at being told to have a good day. As you meet these folks on this day you may be greeted with "Have a bad day!" instead of the usual, cordial greeting.

Almost everyone has a bad day every once in awhile. When having a bad day, some sing a sad song. Some retreat. Some watch a sad movie. Some read a sad story. Others try to spread their sadness to all they meet.

I've not heard it officially yet, but Daniel Powter's song Bad Day could possibly be the theme song of the day. Watch his music video or see him perform it live below:

As posted on YouTube by NicTwinS

So, you may ask, Why would someone who celebrates every day select such a day to observe? Walt Disney once said: "You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." You've also heard the saying what does not kill us, makes us stronger. As shown in the featured pic from one of my favorite sports, you know you're having a bad day when you suddenly find your vehicle upside down mid-air while traveling >200 miles an hour. But, Dario Franchitti amazingly walked away from that incident this season! I've learned over these years that no matter how badly my day is going, I can generally think of someone who is in worst shape, someone with huge problems, that seem almost insurmountable. When I'm having a bad day, I try to remember some good advice that I've heard. (No, it's not the simple message, "Don't worry, be happy!") Rather, try to work up a smile, think a positive thought, and do something nice for someone else to turn things around. I created this blog as a way to ensure that I always look for the silver lining in every day --- to find something to celebrate and to share. I was reminded in my pastor's sermon this weekend that regardless of how badly I think things are, I'm not alone. I have the assurance and comfort and know that all is well and will work out in the end. So, yes, I'm celebrating the day -- by vowing to tell all I see to have a great day and being ready to share the source of my joy and hope.

Here's one of my favorites, It is Well, with a more contemporary edge by 4 Him:

As posted on YouTube by esmerd.
You can also hear the amazing story behind these lyrics and David Phelps with the Gaithers on YouTube.

Today, I choose to celebrate this observance by instead wishing that you have a "Great Day" and that you can share the great message of hope and peace to those observing this day. A challenge for you: choose to have a GREAT day and to be a comfort to someone that you know is having a bad day.

Image credit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many times I can potentially have a bad day if I don't start the day telling myself to not sweat the small stuff and trust God no matter what is thrown at me.